Monday, February 14, 2011

GOKAIGER (Pirate Sentai Gokaiger)

The strongest Super Sentai yet!! Gokaiger!!! 

When Earth was attacked by the Space Empire Zangyack, the 34 super sentai fought to protect the Earth, and the battle became known as the Legendary War. To defeat the empire, all the warriors of the Super Sentai combined their powers thus restoring peace and saving Earth. The Super Sentai warriors, no longer able to fight, became heroes of legend.

Years has passed. A group of Space Pirates finds their way to Earth seaching for "The Greatest Treasure in the Universe". At the same time, the Space Empire Zangyack returns to again invade Earth. Caught in the conflict, upset over a spilled curry and sympathy for Earth, the wanted space pirates Gokaiger fights against the Space Empire Zangyack army and continue searching for the Greatest Treasure.

I think this Super Sentai is gonna be interesting. Gokaiger is the Sentai version of the Kamen Rider Decade series. For those who doesn't know Kamen Rider Decade (he's the 10th of  the Heisei Kamen Rider Series of tokusatsu dramas), Decade can use the powers of previous Kamen Riders (using a card he changes and becomes them).Gokaigers have Ranger Keys which gives them access to the powers of the previous 34 Super Sentai teams. And then they change they shout...


Nice!! All Red!! Though this is not the first time all the Red in each Sentai teamed up, this is the first for me to see a female version of those Red! (tell me if you already saw a female version of the male RED sentai before)
Now  who is their first GOKAI Change??? (Drum Roll)


Goranger?? The first Super Sentai!! Sweet!! They did the Goranger Hurricane trash compactor version!!
Later changed to Shinkenger and Magiranger. Then, their signature move...


Wahooo! Also! The fight scenes are excellent!! Dual blades, Gun Kata, Whip/Saber?!! 

 And talk about the transformation sequence!!

And then the Gokaiger crew!!
Navi - robot parrot/navigator

Don - the brains of the team

Ahim - Royal like (cute)

Luka - nobody loves treasure more than her ( I like her by the way!!)

Joe - Second mate, always serious

Captain Marvelous - yep that's his name!

That's what the 35th Super Sentai Gokaiger is about!! I really look forward for the upcoming episodes!! Another great sentai series and definitely a must see for sentai fans like me.  Enjoy watching!!

Oh, expect lots of new toys as well, especially the Ranger Keys! Gotta catch 'em all??

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